This Wednesday we're going to bring some demo bikes to the Murphy Hammerhands Wednesday Night Ride at Murphy Hammerhands. If you'd like to try out one of the new Trek designs to see if it makes all the difference in your single trackin,' you should oughta call and reserve one of the bikes we'll be bringing.
Choose from Trek Remedys, Hi-Fi DLX's, EX 9.9's, and others! With these proven suspension designs, you'll be laughing at Murphy's hand-hammering tendencies. You will dive into the "Berm of Suck" and laugh aloud at the wrist-shattering braking bumps. You will slice through the random rock garden and laugh aloud again. You will hit the big, partially-concealed ruts in the parking lot left by high school kids whipping donuts in small pickup trucks and laugh aloud. Your voice will be hoarse from all the laughing aloud that you will do.
Oh, and join us for food and refreshments afterwards too.